SMP® provides a solution for men who suffer from hair loss in general, various forms of alopecia or those who have received scars of a hair transplant. Of the solutions available are getting so immediate, permanent, realistic, trouble-free and cost-effective as SMP® technology.

SMP® (Scalp micropigmentation) is a very detailed process that creates an incredibly natural simulation of hairs. Our advanced treatment is usually done over 2-3 sessions spaced at approximately weekly intervals to create what many now call the ultimate modern solution for hair loss.
For people suffering from common baldness or alopecia SMP ® provides an effective cosmetic solution. Correct application of SMP® technology results in a shaved and natural look, no matter how your hair looks. Even customers who are completely bald can have a natural hairstyle again. SMP® technique involves no surgery, no scarring and no hair extensions.
It requires very little maintenance, although many of our customers return to our clinic for treatment to do a touch up. Our consultations and treatments are backed by our knowledge and experience of the Scalp micropigmentation process

SMP® technology has helped thousands of men around the world to achieve a youthful, modern look, regardless of their hair loss. SMP® can:
Create the illusion of fuller, thicker hair
Re-create a natural, more youthful hairline
Permanent camouflage severe or recurrent alopecia
Camouflaging scars from the Strip or FUE surgery
Give existing hair transplant additional density

This site has a gallery and a video library. Here you will be able to see the results based on all skin types including: pale, light, dark, Latino, Asian, African and Afro-Caribbean.
Whatever your circumstances or the desired results is our goal to meet your individual expectations in the best way.
We are perfectionists when it comes to finding solutions for hair loss.
We help you to achieve a natural and modern style that fits you.
We offer you a real lifestyle change.
Many of our customers have in common that they come to us after years of feeling as inadequate, unattractive or prematurely old. We have treated clients who lost all their hair when they were in their twenties. People who have been victims of ridicule, used Toppik to hide his hair loss and had low self-esteem when they should have been enjoying the best years of his life.
We've dealt with men who have spent thousands of SEK pill that will help combat hair loss but instead suffer from side effects such as impotence and low sex drive. Some of our clients come to us desperate because they have previously tried everything to sort out their problems with hair loss.
Each failed attempt at a solution to hair loss even perpetuates a vicious circle of anxiety, low confidence and poor self-image. It is no wonder that our customers express some skepticism when they come to us for their first consultation. Therefore, we believe that it is important to get the chance to meet those who have already done the treatment and getting to see proof that our technology delivers what we promise.
The shaved look is accepted in all social contexts and in business. In today's society it is the shaved look one of the most popular hairstyle. With lots of celebrities such as Wentworth Miller, Jason Statham and Vin Diesel, the timeless style is more popular now than ever.
SMP® has the full support of the celebrity hairdresser and style icon Adee Phelan who also have their hair very short. If you have ever been lucky enough to experience an event in your life that made you happy so you would probably appreciate to regain your hair using SMP. We try to keep in touch with our past customers for many reasons, partly because we are experiencing a great deal of satisfaction in knowing how our technology has improved people's lives.
It is extremely common for our customers report that they have made many positive changes after treatment due to an improved self-image.
Most of the changes that our customers report after having undergone SMP are:
Start going to the gym or working out more often
Quitting smoking
Buy new clothes, be more interested in style and fashion
More effort in their relationships
Be more social, gained new friends and feel more respected by people
Make progress in his career

If you suffer from hair loss and has decided to take action when there is a wide range of solutions. The majority of our customers have tried a number of these solutions before contacting us, but is still unhappy with the results they achieved. We believe that our SMP® treatment for men, offers a solution that should be seriously considered instead of other options such as hair transplantation.
When you choose a solution for your hair loss, it is only you who can decide what is the right option for you. Think of maintenance obligations, how it can affect your lifestyle, the type of procedure that you are willing to undergo, and of course the cost before you decide, your decision is something you will have to live with.
SMP is a highly sophisticated, modern treatment for men with hair loss that creates the illusion of shaved hair. The illusion is so realistic that you actually believe that you have hair and it makes all the others. Take the chance to get the treatment style icons and celebrities call "the next male hair treatment that everyone must have."

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